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Wow! Douglas County Republicans, it was incredible to witness your phenomenal encouragement, support, and tremendous feedback at Caucus this past Tuesday night. I made it in person to 24 precincts and if I missed you at your location, I’ll look forward to catching up with you soon!

So why am I reaching out to you now?

Here’s the thing: You’ve said you’re ready for a fresh voice, from a non-politician who will listen to you and exercise critical thinking skills, instead of just rubber-stamping what’s been handed down by entrenched special interests. Well here I am my friends, and I have the record, education, and experience to back that up.

Just this past Monday night, a day before Caucus, I wasn’t out campaigning, I was at Planning Commission for three and a half hours, reviewing the 2040 Traffic Master Plan with our Chief Traffic Engineer, making sure you have real solutions you can count on. The same night I also reviewed and voted against a request to put 75 new homes right next to 470 with sound walls.

And for this time, I don’t get paid a dime. I do it because I believe in pure servant leadership in the public eye, on the record, looking out for you exactly how you’ve asked. Isn’t that what you want in your next County Commissioner?

Why should you support me?

I am your conservative, Republican candidate supporting liberty, law enforcement, entrepreneurs, lower taxes, the Second Amendment, faith, school choice, and our traditional family values. I have the freshest voice coupled with the most land use experience as well as the highest level of education (doctorate, J.D.).

  • MOST QUALIFIED. Extensive finance and budgeting background coupled with 15 years of complex legal and land use experience. With me, you get the whole package.
  • 100% ABOUT SERVICE. Not in need of a title or a new job, I’ve already been a private sector equity law partner for many years.
  • NO NEPOTISM OR FAVORITISM. No relatives employed by Douglas County or in any related elected office already governing you.
  • INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. I’m a naturally warm and friendly person who is not only easy to talk to, but who will actually listen to you and care. I will stand up for your values but also get along great with staff and my fellow Commissioners.

So congratulations again on your election as Assembly Delegate or Alternate and I hope to earn your support at the County Assembly, March 24th at Legend High School! For more information, please visit me at abeforcommissioner.com, or follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

Thank you and God Bless,